
what: exhibition opening
where: wydawnictwo, ul.włodkowica 11, wrocław
when: 6.00pm 09/09/11

feel welcome

Centrum miasta. Piąta po południu. Troje fotografów. Pięć minut. Gra z dzieciństwa jako zaczątek wspólnego projektu.Trzydzieści trzy słowa.Ile skojarzeń?



Które zdjęcie wiązać z danym słowem? Do którego nikt nie znalazł skojarzenia? Czy fotografie wiszące obok siebie mają ze sobą coś wspólnego? Dlaczego zdjęcie jelenia wisi obok szarego rombu asfaltu? Gdzie znaleźć ślad małpy? Pytań jest wiele. Odpowiedzi jest wiele. Żadnej z nich nie dają autorzy. Na każdą odpowiedzieć może sobie odbiorca.

Ważne jest tylko jedno: myśl.


lots of archive combing. i'm working on a new project, which couldn't exist without the touch of my usual how-to-make-things-as-hard-as-possible.it's fun tho. more details coming shortly


this is a mini-project dedicated to lea divine. lea was a warsaw-based drag queen, whose performances i never got a chance to see. these are the remnants of her onstage persona juxtaposed with screenshots of her performance at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nov, 2009.

thnx to Kasia Majak who organised lea-a wake and giveaway as a part of this year's inicjatywa pomada.


'rough cut' came out a couple of months ago. It's ace to be a part of this project. The book was curated by Rafał Milach and designed by Ania Nałęcka. The book itself is a piece of art and it's definitely worth laying your hands on. It was first shown at PhotoMonth in Kraków in May, 2011. This Thursday, there's another promotional meeting with the authors so come round if you're in the vicinity. If not, take a look at the photocast below (by Michał Łuczak).

Księgarnia Bookarest
30. czerwca, godz. 18:30
Stary Browar
Atrium, Poziom 0







i don't recall when exactly that happened but i started making friends with strangers in the streets again. it might have been sometime in winter. it must have been when i was back on the road.i never fully grasp why they decide to do so, but they tell always me stories. some are endearing, some are heartbreaking, some amusing. the latter isn't too common, tho. i hardly ever ask about their names but it doesn't seem to be of great importance.


there's been changes in the past months.
there's been decision making and decision avoiding.
time seems to have sped up even more

that's how they rolled there and then


magda + a last year's summer memories
spring has fully kicked in. rather excited